
The Certificate is awarded by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and is administered by the Center for Comparative Media. It is open to all Ph.D. students in the humanities and social sciences and offers those students a training in the comparative analysis of the theory and history of media. It requires 20 points of coursework which must be fulfilled along with the PhD requirements of the candidate’s home department. (Relevant courses may be double-counted toward the Certificate and the PhD.) Candidates for the Certificate should submit a shortened version (4-8 pages) of the dissertation prospectus already defended and approved by their department. This version should include the rationale of the research, methods used, brief literature review, chapter outlines, and a research plan. In addition, students should include a page-long statement addressing the comparative dimension of their work and how the research might fit with the concerns of the Center for Comparative Media. A brief bibliography and images (if applicable) are also expected. In addition, students have to fulfill the following requirements:

  • A mentor from among CCM Faculty, who will help guide you through the program and sign your Graduate Certificate application (once you've completed the requirements). Your CCM Faculty mentor can be (but need not be) your dissertation advisor. You should seek out a CCM Faculty mentor as soon as possible and no later than the completion of your coursework. 
  • The required course "Introduction to Comparative Media" (4 points; must be taken for a letter grade). 
  • At least four other designated courses (minimum 16 points). (An updated list of these courses can be found on the website.) Eight points must be taken for a letter grade. At least three of these courses must be outside of the student's home department or in subjects that address geographic areas and/or historical periods outside of the student’s primary field of research. This list must be submitted along with the proposal and be approved by the CCM directors.
  • Dissertation colloquium: Comparative Media Workshop. This is a dissertation writing workshop in which CCM students present their work in progress.

Applications for the certificate program are due Friday May 17, 2024. Please direct any questions that you may have to comparativemedia@columbia.edu.

2024 Forms:

Certificate Requirements Worksheet
Dissertation Prospectus Cover Sheet​