Stefan Andriopoulos' areas of teaching and research focus on German and European literature, media history, and interrelations of literature and science from 1750 to the present. He is the author of Ghostly Apparitions: German Idealism, the Gothic Novel, and Optical Media (Zone Books, 2013), which was named "book of the year" in Times Literary Supplement. His previous book Possessed: Hypnotic Crimes, Corporate Fiction, and the Invention of Cinema won the 2009 SLSA Michelle Kendrick award for best academic book on literature, science, and the arts. Its English version came out with the University of Chicago Press, its German version with Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Both books, Possessed and Ghostly Apparitions, have been published in Brazilian Portuguese translation and a German version of Ghostly Apparitions is forthcoming with Konstanz University Press. Andriopoulos has co-edited a special issue of Grey Room "On Brainwashing: Mind Control, Media, and Warfare" (2011). His articles have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Critical Inquiry, ELH, American Literature, Representations, New German Critique, and the Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift. Other books, published in German, include a monograph on Accident and Crime: Configurations between Literary and Legal Discourse around 1900 (Centaurus, 1996), and two co-edited volumes, 1929: Contributions to an Archaeology of Media (Suhrkamp, 2002) and Addressing Media (DuMont, 2001).
Stefan Andriopoulos has held visiting professorships at Harvard University, in the Department of the History of Science, at the Bauhaus University Weimar, in the Research Center "Medial Historiographies," and at Cologne University, in the Research Institute "Media, Culture, Communication." He received the Columbia Distinguished Faculty Award for his teaching, research, and mentoring and he was chair of the department from 2011 to 2014. Together with Brian Larkin he is co-founder of the Center of Comparative Media. He also serves as a contributing editor of New German Critique.
Ghostly Apparitions : German Idealism, the Gothic Novel, and Optical Media, Stefan Andriopoulos
Possessed: Hypnotic Crimes, Corporate Fiction, and the Invention of Cinema, Stefan Andriopoulos